Collaborative Branding Campaign to Boost Business on Long Island

all eight of the Long Island IDAs and Discover Long Island have proposed a campaign aimed at retaining and attracting new business to the area. The campaign will operate under the tagline, “BeLONG on Long Island.”

When multiple industrial development agencies come together under a shared goal, promising, successful things can occur. In a collaborative regional marketing effort, all eight of the Long Island IDAs and Discover Long Island have proposed a campaign aimed at retaining and attracting new business to the area.


What Companies are Searching for When Relocating

Office of Economic Development | Town of Islip

When considering corporate relocation, quality of life is one of the top factors. But it’s no secret that the key to success for many businesses is location, location, location. That’s why the Town of Islip IDA offers site location assistance among many other services (or another similar word) , including business incentives, tax abatements, and foreign trade zone access. But before a business owner decides to uproot its HQ to a new area, there’s a lot to consider beyond economic incentives.


How Relocation to a Foreign Trade Zone Could Make Your Business More Competitive

A to Z of an FTZ

Relocation and Competitive Business | Town of Islip

Within the Town of Islip is an underutilized resource known as Foreign Trade Zone #52 (FTZ). In this designated area, import-export businesses with global dealings are at a competitive advantage when it comes to profitability and production flow, making the FTZ one of the most invaluable resources to business in the area.



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